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Xuan Jiang  

Ph.D. Candidate, in Transportation Engineering and Computer Science, University of California, Berkeley

  • GSR, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory at Energy Analysis and Environmental Impacts Division, Supervisor: Tom Wenzel, Zachary Nedell
  • GSR, Institute of Transportation Studies, Supervisor: Jane Macfarlane
  • Visiting Scholar, Massachusetts institute of technology at MIT Urban Mobility Lab, Supervisor: Jinhua Zhao, Haris Koutsopoulos
  • Member, Transportation Research Board: National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine Committee on Aviation Safety, Security and Emergency Management (AV090)
  • Member, American Society of Civil Engineers T&DI, Artificial Intelligence in Transportation Committee
  • Co-Founder, Shanghai HeroTech Education Technology Co., Ltd.
  • Education:
    PhD, Transportation Engineering, UC Berkeley, GPA: 4.0/4.0 Minor in High Performance Computing and AI
    MS, Transportation Engineering, UC Berkeley, GPA: 4.0/4.0 Certificated in Data Science with Information School

    I am currently a third-year PhD at the University of California, Berkeley who are interested in high performance computing and artificial intelligence. I am working with Prof. Raja Sengupta and Prof. James Demmel. Previously, I received my Master's degree in Transportation Engineering from the University of California, Berkeley advised by Prof. Mark Hansen, Prof. Susan Shaheen, Prof. Joan Walker, and Prof. Alexander Skabardonis.

    My research interests are parallel computation/traffic operation simulation/artificial intelligence/urban air mobility. Currently, my research mainly focuses on accelerating the convergence/simulation speed of metropolitan scale transportation systems using novel system schemes and machine learning methods. I will graduate from UCB in December 2024.

    Below are the strengths of mine:
  • Deep Learning based traffic congestion prediction.
  • Urban Air Mobility traffic management, conflict detection and avoidance.
  • GPU based parallel traffic operation simulation and data acquisition.
  • Reinforcement Learning based multi-line bus bunching problem.
  • Office Address:
    107 Mclaughlin Hall
    Berkeley, CA 94720


    Find me at:
    Google Scholar

    Simulating the Integration of Urban Air Mobility into Existing Transportation Systems: A Survey

    Xuan Jiang , Yuhan Tang, Junzhe Cao, Hao Yang, Zhiyi Tang, Xin Peng, Vishwanath Bulusu, Chenxi Liu, Yunhan Zheng, Cristian Poliziani, Raja Sengupta
    arXiv preprint arXiv:2301.12901
    Submitted to: Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review
    [Paper], [CITE]

    A Metrics-based Method for Evaluating Corridors for Urban Air Mobility Operations

    Xuan Jiang , Xin Peng, Vishwanath Bulusu, Cristian Poliziani, Gano Chatterji, Raja Sengupta
    2022 IEEE International Smart Cities Conference (ISC2)
    [Paper], [CITE]

    Benchmarking and preparing LPSim for scalability on multiple GPUs

    Xuan Jiang , Johan Fredrik Agerup, Yuhan Tang
    Submitted to 29th IEEE International Symposium on High-Performance Computer Architecture , 2023.
    [Paper], [CITE]

    Incompressible Fluid Simulation Parallelization with OpenMP, MPI and CUDA

    Xuan Jiang , Laurence Lu, Linyue Song
    Future of Information and Communication Conference. Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland, 2023.
    [Paper], [CITE]

    Optimizing Matrix Multiplication On NERSC’s High Performance Computer Cori

    Xuan Jiang , William Lin, Ansh Nagda
    Accepted by Future Technologies Conference (FTC), 2023.
    [Paper], [CITE]

    Making sense of electrical vehicle discussions using sentiment analysis on closely related news and user comments

    Xuan Jiang , Josh Everts
    Presented at ASCE ICTD 2022.
    [Paper], [CITE]

    Committee Member

  • Session Chair, Informs Annual Meeting 2023
  • Young Member, Standing Committee on Aviation Safety, Security and Emergency Management (AV090), since 2022
  • Member, Standing Committee on Marine Environment(AW030) Main Member, since 2022
  • Member, American Society of Civil Engineers T&DI, Artificial Intelligence in Transportation Committee, since 2022

  • Academic Society Membership

  • Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE)
  • Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
  • American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)
  • Chinese Overseas Transportation Association (COTA)

  • Referee for Journal and Conference

  • Transportation Research Board (TRB) Annual Meeting, 2023
  • IEEE International Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference, 2022, 2023
  • Scientific Reports
  • Frontiers in Psychology

  • Teaching

  • 2021 Spring: Teaching assistant for CEE 298/198 Group Studies, Seminars, or Group Research on Equity and Social Justice
  • 2022 Fall: Lead teaching assistant for CEE 290I Civil Systems: Control and Information Management
  • 2023 Summer: Teaching assistant for CCPHIT IMA: Informatics, Mapping & Analysis Bootcamp at UC Berkeley Public Health
  • 2023 Fall: Teaching assistant for CEE 290/190 004 Special Topics in Civil and Environmental Engineering: Emerging Technologies for Public Health

  • News

  • 2023 Spring: Tongji University Transportation Engineering Department Outstanding Alumini Talk

  • AIR Lab Talk (Etcheverry hall, FANUC room)

  • 2024 Feb 28the: Dr. Pavan Yedavalli, Autonomous AAM Operations: Considerations, Challenges, and Opportunities
  • 2024 March 6th: Dr. Husni Idris, Reflections on Collective Autonomy in Air Mobility – Metrics and Models

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